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Advice, insights and announcements from the Super Good team. We write articles about Solidus, Ruby, Rails and software development in general.

SolidusUpgrading from Solidus 2 to Solidus 3
10 min read
Madeline Collier
on July 04, 2024

Software-developmentIntroducing Dead Code
1 min read
Jared Norman
on March 12, 2024

RailsDebugging The Zeitwerk Migration
5 min read
Senem Soy
on February 27, 2024

SolidusSuper Good's Solidus TaxJar extension hits 1.0.0
1 min read
Benjamin Wil & Chris Todorov
on February 01, 2024

RailsRails Domain Redirects
2 min read
Jared Norman
on October 31, 2023
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