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There's No Such Thing As Idiomatic Ruby
Jared Norman on April 10, 2019
There's No Such Thing As Idiomatic Ruby
Jared Norman on April 10, 2019
Posted in Ruby
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When it comes to building long-lived, maintainable systems, it’s my position that we should strive to write code that differs from the expectations of the reader (the next programmer) in ways that are meaningful. Put more plainly: try to write “normal” code, and only write “weird” code when you’re doing something unusual.

Depending on the community or language you’re writing, this might be a more or less of problematic suggestion. When a language has documented and well defined styles and norms, you can point to them as the idiomatic way of doing things.

Unfortunately for Rubyists, we have many different styles we can point to as “normal”. I won’t claim to understand exactly why we ended up in this situation, but I think our language lends itself well to it. Let’s look at some big ways some styles differ:

  • We have optional parentheses on method calls. You can write or 3 and both are functionally identical.
  • Method calls aren’t the only place the parentheses are optional; they are also option on method definitions. The popular SeattleRB-style will have you write def foo bar instead of def foo(bar). Again, these are functionally identical.
  • You can write blocks using either curly braces ({/}) or do/end. Again, these are functionally the same, but some popular styles advocate using them in different situations.
  • You can define your modules and class inline, like class Foo::Bar or in the nested fashion, as:
    module Foo
      class Bar
    This, unlike the other examples, does have some small, but important functional differences.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, merely a few good examples of style decisions that Rubyists are force to make on aday to day basis, if they aren’t already dictated by style guide or automated tool.

Even our automated tools have some issues. The most popular tool, Rubocop, provides default settings that do not reflect the style of Ruby written on any project I’ve ever worked on. Because of this, many teams adopt hundreds of lines of configuration for the tool in an attempt to enforce a style that the team considers more “normal”.

A new tool has even recently emerged called StandardRB which seeks pare down and reconfigure Rubocop’s settings and provide a zero-configuration tool that enforces a style that can be generally accepted by the community.

Such tools exist for other language (for example, prettier for JavaScript), but many of those languages feature much simpler syntaxes that lend well to this. Languages like Elm, Rust, and Go actually ship with their own official formatters that enforce very specific code-styles. In these languages you could omit all the optional whitespace and trust that the formatter will snap your code into the offical style of the language.

Ruby won’t ever have one of these heavy-duty formatters. This isn’t a flaw in the language; the variety in Ruby’s syntax allows Rubyists to write more expressive code. The Rubyists I’ve spoken with enjoy the variety, control, and even implicit conventions that allows us to communicate more richly through our code.

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