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Welcoming Adam Mueller to the Solidus Core Team
Jared Norman on October 17, 2022
Solidus has a brand new Core Team member!
Welcoming Adam Mueller to the Solidus Core Team
Jared Norman on October 17, 2022
Posted in Solidus
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I’m excited to announce that our very own Adam Mueller has joined the Solidus Core Team! The Solidus Core Team is responsible for the technical direction of Solidus and has the final say on what code makes it into Solidus itself. The Core Team meets weekly to discuss pull requests, issues, and ensure that Solidus is headed in the right direction. Adam brings his incredible depth of experience to the Solidus Core Team and expands Super Good’s ability to represent the interests of our clients in the ongoing development of Solidus.

Adam began his journey in the ecosystem when he joined FreeRunning Technologies in 2012, quickly proving himself to be a talented and capable Rails developer. Having honed his skills on a variety of established Spree stores, his experience and advice was indispensable as the company (now called Stembolt) forked Spree to create Solidus. When JUUL Labs (a major user of Solidus) acquired Stembolt, Adam took on a senior position where he led B2B software development within the company. Having made his impact there, he then returned to the consulting world to join us here at Super Good.

Adam’s long tenure in the community and impact on Solidus made him an easy choice for the core team. While he’s got a couple of pages of contributions merged already, it’s worth highlighting a couple of big ones.

First, he implemented the configurable tax calculator interface that makes computing taxes using third party APIs (like Avatax or TaxJar) a breeze. Prior to this change, integrating with these services was difficult and required jumping through hoops to avoid making dozens of duplicate API requests when recalculating tax for an order. Adam’s interface makes building third party tax integrations trivial, and also allows developers to easily design their own custom tax rules. We’re especially thankful for this interface because it made building our TaxJar extension much easier.

More recently, Adam introduced order-level taxes to Solidus in order to add support for Colorado’s new retail delivery fee. It can be tough for global brands to stay on top of sales tax compliance and this tax introduced some unique challenges, so it’s awesome that Adam was able to add support for this style of tax and make it easy for stores to start collecting the tax right way.

On top of ten years of experience in the community, Adam brings a calm and level-headed demeanor, an eye for simplicity, and an uncanny ability to delete large swaths of code to the Core Team. Adam’s addition to the Core Team is a win for Solidus and its community.

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